Anyway, I was thinking about life and how strange it is. I'm beginning to wonder why some one would bother planning their life out when you really have no freaking idea how things are going to work out. As a matter of fact, how boring would that be if things actually went as planned. Fortunately for me, I never had a plan. At least not a real plan. Sure, I had a few ideas about how I would LIKE things to be and how I would LIKE things to work out, but none of that has happened. I'm most likely better off anyway. I don't remember what I was thinking when I was 14 years old, but I'm sure it wasn't about anything all too earth shattering. Most likely I was thinking about a hamburger and how to unhook a bra without making a fool of myself (something I'm still working on perfecting).
I don't even think that I was thinking much in my 20s either. If I was thinking about the future, it came after-hours with a bottle of Southern Comfort, two packs of Marlboro's and a variety of mind altering substances.
So what has all this non-thought got me? Well, let me see.....I'm married, kids on the way, 20 years in the music business, great friends, world travelled, 5 years of sobriety, good physical and mental health (although there are those who would argue my mental health), a house, a car (van actually), guitars, basses, a home studio and a well full of hope.
I'm not sure what that all adds up to, but it's led me to this next song. Nothing earth shattering. Just a little diddy. I'm a big fan of the quick, non taxing, not too deep songs. Maybe one of the reasons that I like Mozart so much.....but that's not the point here.
Anyway, here it is....I hope you enjoy it.....I'll write some more this weekend. I'm feeling a little burnt right now.
If you want to hear the song in it's entirety, go to the "Songs in the Raw" Myspace page linked below. You can listen to the hole thing, add it to your Myspace profile and share it with your friends.
Oh yeah....this week's song is called "One Step Closer".
Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Page
Myspace again;
Jon Roniger MySpace Page
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