"The biggest shame of it all is no one's running after her" is the chorus line for this week's song. I know people who are self destructive in many ways, but it's most evident in their relationships...or lack there of. I wrote this week's song based on a person I used to know well. She would rather run away than become too close. Close enough for it to hurt when she was dumped or cheated on. She found it easier to run away. She never kept too many belongings. It seemed like her suitcase was always packed.
No...she was not my girlfriend. I just found it to be such a shame that some one could sabotage their own life in such a way. Maybe it was because she didn't know how to be happy. Maybe she didn't know how to love herself first. Maybe she hated herself....I should have asked her those questions, but it might be awkward to do it now. Just call her up and say, "why don't you love yourself ?" She's probably happily married with 3 kids living in the suburbs playing golf twice a week and an upstanding member of the PTA.
HEY....it's just a song! And it's called "Torn Duffle of Dreams". The kind of duffle that has seen thousands of miles and been over stuffed a hundred times.
Give "Torn Duffle of Dreams" a listen at Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Page
This week I have created a "SONGS IN THE RAW VOL. 1" Album on my SNOCAP store. It includes 14 songs from the first three months of my mission. It only costs $7.99. WHAT A FREAKIN' BARGAIN!!!!! That's half off!!!
The Jon Roniger Store is always open!
Join up with EVENTFUL and let me know where you are! There are tons of awesome bands there and you should let them know where you are and that you want them to come and play in their home town.
For more great JR Stuff!
Jon Roniger MySpace Page
Jon Roniger Website
Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Page
Hello...hello...hello...is there anybody in there...just nod if you can hear me....is there anyone at home?