So, this week's song is called "Politics and Bad Religion". I usually don't write about either one of those subjects, but sometimes you just gotta let it go. There's so much crap going on in this world that it has to creep into my song writing every now and then. I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but the clowns in charge of your political future have insulted my intelligence one too many times. At the same time, what can I do. I vote....I take the occasional poll...I donate my musical time for free for causes that I believe in...but I can't change the minds of the policy makers. I haven't even talked about religion yet. I'm not even sure where to begin there.
I'm a spiritual guy. I believe in something larger at work here. We're not just running around in pointless circles to no end. There is a reason behind everything. I just don't feel like there is an organised religion that has the definitive answer or even a vague grasp of the scope of "that which no greater can be conceived". That's all I can say about that......I won't dive into the deep end of the religious wars that have plagued our planet since the dawn of humans religious endeavors.
SO..."Politics and Bad Religion"...check it out!
I've included a recording a song that I wrote a few months ago. Actually, I was inspired to write this song as I watched the events unfold at Virginia Tech. I was home for that few days during and after the tragedy there and I was deeply effected, as I think we all were. As a songwriter I couldn't help but writing something based on that event.
I've had mixed reviews of this song's inspiration. There are those who think that I have exploited a tragedy for my own gain...although I'm not sure what gain that is. I am not seeking fame and fortune through the writing of these songs. I am only writing songs from my view of life and the things that effect me. If I did not write about thing that had meaning to me, I would be a walking lie. I was extremely saddened by what I watched on TV for those days around that massacre. If it didn't make it's way into my writing....WHAT'S THE F#*KING POINT!
Anyway, the bonus track is called "Shattered Pieces". I hope you enjoy what you hear. Maybe you will be moved to write me and curse me....maybe you will feel that way that I do and did about this tragic event.
You can also buy my songs directly from me at my SNOCAP Store;
If you want me to play in your town you should try out EVENTFUL!
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