Saturday, November 17, 2007

Songs in THE RAW!! "Way Down and So Low"

Well, how and the heck are ya? It's been a while and I am glad to be back in the saddle. I hope you have been enjoying life and preparing for the holidays. It's been a crazy few weeks for infants. I posted three songs a few weeks ago to keep up my end of the bargain. Now I'm a day late for this week's entry, but I hope you'll forgive me.

I wrote this song in honor of those who think that they are "the man", "the boss", "ruler of their own domaine", "the cat's meow", "all that and a bag of potato chips". It's my belief that self praise is no praise at all. I like to laugh at people who think highly of themselves. How 'bout a little humility my friends?

As I watch the self-inflated go through life, they seem to always end up on the down and out. Why is that? I think it's because no one likes to hear about how great you think you are. So when things go a little wrong, no one is going to help you find your way again. According to you, you always know your way. You've never needed help before, or laughed when it was offered and now people actually enjoy watching your ship burn. or maybe it's just me that likes to watch.

Anyway, this week's song is called "Way Down and So Low". It's not a Blues song....sorry.
Look for it at Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Page and enjoy!

If you're in the mood to purchase;

I was in Nashville a couple of weeks ago and made a video. Check it out and pass it along if you like what you see and hear.

Copy & paste the following code to use on your page.

Here are the links you need for healthy living;
Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Page

Jon Roniger’ other MySpace Page

Jon Roniger Website

If you want to hear the songs from my new CD "Charmed Life" just go ahead and use this handy dandy player;
A&R Select Player

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