I just finished "Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Before that I read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and "Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Basically, I've read a lot about Muslims and their traditions and culture. I realise that the second two books are fiction, but I feel like they are still based heavily in reality. I'm on the verge of re-reading the Bible and picking up a copy of the Quran to do a little diligence. I'm not a "religious" man. I AM a spiritual man. It's my personal belief that Organised Religion is the cause of more brutality and death on this planet than anything else. Whether it's in-fighting or between apposing fanatics, whenever you bring god into the mix, it gets ugly.
All that being said, I have ZERO interest in writing about my personal beliefs. I try and stay away from politics and religion in my music. I don't even really like to tackle any "hot topics" with my music. Maybe I'm too chicken to stick my neck out for a cause that I believe in. Maybe I don't really believe in any causes. Really, as far as a lot of major issues, my personal jury is still out. There are, of course, some that I have firm beliefs about, but that don't make for good song topics. It's hard to write a song about abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research and global warming. Plus some topics have been run dry by previous writers. All the anti-war songs that are worth a damn were written in the late 60s and early 70s.
I have no idea why I brought all that up. This week's song "Don't Waste My Time" doesn't have anything to do with that stuff.....well maybe a little.
It all started as I was searching for something to write about this week. I remembered something that some one had said to me many years ago. First of all, she was crazy and she was sort of a stalker.....OK....she was a stalker. Anyway, she said, "You have no idea what I could do for you". She was talking about my music "career" and maybe referencing her rich father who could maybe take me under his wing and crush my individuality and drive to make something of myself. I don't know why that popped in my head, but it lead me to the idea of "selling out".
There are so many ways to sell out these days. You can sell your soul. You can sell your body. You can sell your ideas. You can sell your knowledge. You can even sell your faith. I don't claim to know about all that crap, but thinking about it lead to a song.
Well, I don't have much more to say about that. I think you should give it a listen. Go to Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Pageto listen to the song. you can add it to your MySpace account and send it to your friends. If you really like what you hear, you can buy the song for 99cents from SNOCAP;
Let me know if you want me to come to play a gig in your town;
Send me a note. Let me know you love me, hate me, want me to stop!
I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you enjoy the music!
SO...here are the links;
Jon Roniger Website;
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