Saturday, December 8, 2007

Songs in the Raw "Get Over It" - Dec 8, 2007

I'm still firing away at this illusive target. I've decided to give myself a break and just say that I am on track. It's kind of like hitting the reset button. Plus, since hardly anyone is reading these things, I though that no one would care if I missed a week here and there. The holidays and travel took me out of the game for a week or so, but that kind of thing is bound to happen.
This week's installment is a song called "Get Over It". I borrowed from my own experience and the experience of a couple of my friends to put this one together. The idea stems from failed relationships and your involvement in them. I find that, if you dig hard enough, you find that you are at the root of your problems. Whether they're work related, relationships, family or general day to day operations, YOU are the one at the bottom of your issues. Hence the title "Get Over It". What I'm saying is that you need to get over yourself.
I know that in my past failed relationships, I had a lot to do with the downward spiral they eventually took. For me, it centered around drinking and drug use. Which, of course, stemmed from fear of failure, fear of success, fear of commitment and general self deprecating. It's all fun and games until some one gets hurt....some one always gets hurt!
Specifically, this song revolves around the need to be loved to fill a void of self love. Not the kind of self love that is actually arrogance or grandiocity, but the self love that allows you to share yourself with another human. One of the first things they ask you to do in a treatment center is to forgive yourself. It's not easy to forgive yourself when you're a total jerk.....but you have to start somewhere.
enough of my babbling. Head over to Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Page and give it a listen.
If you're in the mood for a different style of music, I have some rock tunes on Jon Roniger MySpace Page and if you just want to hear some of the songs from my new CD "Charmed Life" you can play them directly from this player;

My Snocap Store is always open for your purchasing pleasure;

I hope you enjoy "Get Over It" and the rest of the music. I am already working on the song for next week. I think it's going to head in the "Who's that jolly red drunk in my living room" type of theme.

Here are a few of the links you need to live;
Jon Roniger – Songs in the Raw – MySpace Page

Jon Roniger’ other MySpace Page

Jon Roniger Website
