Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Songs in THE RAW!! August 22, 2007

Well, this week is going to be a tough one to get something out there. I have two songs forming, but very little time to devote to them. My wife and I just had TWINS on Monday night. They are happy and healthy and learning how to eat and cry. We've getting sort of sleep deprived as the little ones eat every three hours or so. I brought my guitar into the hospital and played a little for them yesterday which is where I came up with the second song idea. Sorry, but it's probably working its' way into a lullaby. The first song idea is one that developed over last weekend and has a far more somber feel to it, which I like.
I am going to try and get one of these ideas into a song before the end of this weekend and get it out by Sunday night. I cannot guarantee anything. I have NO IDEA what to expect. I do know that I have like 3 new grey hairs and don't foresee any massive blocks of sleep in my near future.
I have heard that artists, writers, poets, songwriters really find a new openness to their craft after they have children. I guess it has to do with a change in perspective. From my own minimal experience, I can see that focus shifts from ME, ME, ME (and my wife) to my children. I now have a REAL reason to live to be really old. Not for myself and a long life, but to see my children grow up and become adults, have relationships, fall in and out of love, travel and learn about themselves and the world. I have no idea where this will take my writing. I do know that I don't want to become a guy who writes songs about his babies. It's just not who I am. I will keep my writing open to my experiences with them and I look forward watching them make their way through the world. I'm sure that the things they say and do will make their way into my songs. But if I ever get too deep into songs like "Peas and Carrots", "My First Poo" and "Daddy Loves ME" please fell free to kick my ass!
Actually "Daddy Loves Me" might be something cool since I can work it into my relationship with my father and his relationship to his father and so on...and so on.....and so on. If I were writing a Rap song it could be "Diddy Loves Me".
SO, stay tuned for something this week.....and definitely next week. I hope you are all doing well!
As always, check out;
Songs in the Raw - Myspace

And the store is always open for your shopping pleasure;